Thursday, November 15, 2012

INF 506 - First assignment, thoughts on Social Media

Assignment One INF506 

What is social networking?

Social networking is all about participation.  The internet has changed to become a place where everyone can share ideas, news, photographs and creative interests.  Networks are not limited to your geographical location, and you don’t even have to have met in person.  Sharing similar interests is enough to connect people no matter where in the world they live (as long as they have a computer).

My current social networking sites:

Currently I have a Facebook account, which I use to keep in touch with family and friends, and now for uni.  Some of my friends are people I’ve met online on other sites, some of these I have met, but some not.
I have a twitter account, which until this course I have used sporadically, ineffectively, and resentfully, because I feel out of my depth.  I’m not sure what I should tweet, and how it is different to my status update on Facebook.
I am a member of a parenting forum (Essential Baby), and contribute to discussion on a semi regular basis.
I have contributed to youtube, and use it a lot for teaching, as well as entertainment and information
I subscribe to a number of blogs:
- Jamie the Very Worst Missionary
- Head versus Desk
- Making it Funky
- Down to earth
I now have a Flickr account, but have previously had a photobucket account which I primarily used to make memes.
I write a blog of my own about things I’ve read that interest me.
I am a member of Goodreads, Pinterest and Instagram.
I play online games (Words with Friends, Scramble with Friends, Gems, Bejewelled Blitz, Matching with Friends).

With all these computer activities, I’m starting to realise why I feel time poor.

What do I expect to learn from INF506?

 I want to learn how to harness social media in a meaningful way for teaching/library.  Although I don’t have a permanent position as yet, I want to be ready, and as current in my knowledge as possible. 
I have reservations about using Facebook as a platform for keeping parents informed about school excursions/activities, and want to explore other options that may be safer.

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