Monday, November 26, 2012

INF 506 - module 2

After a frustrating day of computer issues, which had I thought about it properly, I could have resolved hours earlier than I did, I am in the midst of the module 2 readings, which are vast.  I am drowning in information.

I confess, I am flicking between my dictionary widget, and the readings with great regularity.  It isn't enough to have heard a word, I need to be sure of its meaning, so I'm not confused.

So metadata, is data about data.

Folksonomies - a user-generated system of classifying and organizing online content into different categories by the use of metadata such as electronic tags.  Thank you dictionary.

I find tagging quite hard, and have a fairly low opinion of my ability to do it well.  I think this course is going to be enormously helpful, not just in my work life, but also in life outside work, allowing me to keep up with and participate knowledgeably.  At the moment, I tend to blunder around, like there isn't enough light in the room, and I know that I could be better.

I need to go and do the drop box tutorial.  I will come back with more thoughts, once I've thought them.

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